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♀ Nelda
What does Nelda mean?
Nelda ▼ as a name for girls has its root in Greek, and the meaning of Nelda is "other, foreign; sun ray". Nelda is a variant form of Eleanor (Old French, Old German). Nelda is also a variation of Helen (Greek).
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ELEANOR, HELEN Ella, Elna▼, Helana, Helena, Helia, Hella, Hellia, Ilka, Jelena, Leana, Lena▼, Leora▼, Nell▼, Nelle▼, Nelley, Nelli, Nellie▼, Nelly, Nora▲, Yelena
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Nelca, ..
(male) Neler, ..
Nelda Julianne (N.J.), ..
How popular is Nelda?
Nelda is a very popular first name for women (#730 out of 4276, Top 17%) but a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Nelda reached its top rank of #279 in the U.S. in the 1930s, but is not listed at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Eleanor (#32 A YEAR AGO), Ella (#15), Elna, Helen (#413), Helena (#458), Leana, Lena (#301), Leora (#1680), Nell, Nelle, Nellie (#1071), Nelly (#1982) and Nora (#30) are the prominent varying forms of Nelda. Other variants, like Helana, are seldom used. These relations of Nelda were favored 138 years ago (AVERAGE #399) and have become significantly less common since (#1141, 70.8% LESS USAGE), with versions such as Elna becoming less fashionable. Ella has been the most recognizable form, though Nora has gained in popularity over time.
Similar Names
Nelda▼ is pronounced similarly to Nilda and Nillda. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alda▼, Allda, Celida, Golda▼, Heda, Hedda, Holda, Hulda▼, Hylda, Ieeda, Jenda, Kelda, Kenda, Leida, Lenda, Leoda, Leyda, Meda▼, Melida, Nada, Naida, Nanda, Nea, Neala, Nealla, Neda, Nedda, Neddra, Nedra, Neelia, Neelya, Neema, Neena, Neera, Negida, Neilla, Neina, Neka, Nel, Nela, Nelia, Nelida, Nella, Nelsea, Nelsy, Nena, Nenna, Neola, Nera, Nesha, Nesta, Neta, Netta, Nevsa, Niada, Nila, Nilsa, Noella, Nula, Reda, Reeda, Reida, Selda, Veda▲, Veeda, Veida, Velda▼, Vellda, Welda, Wellda, Wilda▼, Wylda and Zelda▲. These names tend to be less frequently used than Nelda.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]