Home > Nelida


What does Nelida mean?

Nelida Pronunciation of Nelida as a name for girls is an English name. Nelida is a variant form of Nelly (English): diminutive of Helen.



OTHER FORMS VIA NELLY Nel, Nell, Nella, Nelley, Nellie



Nelida Carolyn (N.C.), ..

How popular is Nelida?

Nelida is a very prominent first name for women (#2007 out of 4276, Top 47%) but an unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Popular alternative forms of Nelida (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Nell, Nella, Nellie (#1071 IN RECENT RANKINGS) and Nelly (#1982). These forms of Nelida were favored by parents during the years 1880-1889 (ADOPTION OF 1.16%) and have become significantly less popular since (ADOPTION 0.02%, DOWN 98.3%), with versions like Nell becoming less trendy. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Nell, Nella, Nellie, Nelly in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Nellie outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Alida, Allida, Amelida, Belia, Calida, Celia, Celida, Celina, Celinda, Delia, Delila, Delina, Delinda, Delisa, Deliza, Elida, Felina, Felipa, Felisa, Felita, Feliza, Heida, Helia, Helima, Helisa, Jedida, Jelina, Jelisa, Kelda, Kelila, Kellda (see Kelda), Leida, Melia, Melina, Melisa, Melita, Meliza, Naida, Nedda, Neelia, Negida, Nehira, Neila, Neilina, Neima, Neina, Neiva, Nela, Nelda, Nelia, Nelsea, Nenica, Nenita, Nereida, Nerida, Neriya, Netia, Nevada, Nilda, Olida, Pelia, Pelipa, Reida, Selda, Selima, Selinda, Valida, Velda, Velika, Vellda, Welda, Wellda, Zelda, Zelia and Zelima. These names tend to be less frequently used than Nelida.
