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What does Nellie mean?

Nellie Pronunciation of Nellie as a girls' name has its roots in Latin, Greek and English, and the meaning of the name Nellie is "horn; other, foreign; sun ray". Nellie is an alternate spelling of Cornelia (Latin): feminine of the Roman surname Cornelius. Nellie is also a derivative of Eleanor (Old French, Old German). Nellie is also used as a variation of Ellen (Greek), a variation of Helen (Greek), and a form of Nelly (English).




VARIANTS Nila, Nelli, Nelley, Nella, Nelia, Nela, Neely

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA CORNELIA, ELEANOR, ELLEN, HELEN, NELLY Elle, Ellee, Elli, Ellie, Ellin, Helaine, Helene, Helia, Hella, Hellen, Hellene, Hellia, Neel, Neeltje, Nel, Nelda, Nelida, Nell, Nelle, Nellene, Nellette, Nelliana, Nellwen, Nellwin, Nellwyn, Nonnie



Nellie Tara (N.T.), ..

How popular is Nellie?

Nellie is a very prominent first name for women (#238 out of 4276, Top 6%) but an uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Nellie reached its top rank of #19 in the U.S. in the 1880s, and is presently at #1071. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Nellie name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Nellie outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Prominent variation forms of Nellie (#1071 FROM RECENT DATA) ranked in the Top 2000 are Cornelia, Eleanor (#32), Elle (#380), Ellen (#770), Elli, Ellie (#37), Helaine, Helen (#413), Helene, Hellen, Neely, Nelda, Nelia, Nell, Nella, Nelle, Nelly (#1982), Nila (#1758) and Nonnie. Other forms, like Hellene, are uncommon. These forms of Nellie were popular during the years 1910-1919 (ADOPTION OF 4.6%) and are now much less widespread (ADOPTION 0.8%, DOWN 83%), with versions such as Nell becoming less in vogue. Elle and Ellie are two of the more trendy names for newborns among these.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Nellie, Cornelia, Eleanor, Elle, Ellen in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Elli, Ellie, Helaine, Helen, Helene in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Hellen, Neely, Nelda, Nelia, Nell in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Nella, Nelle, Nelly, Nila, Nonnie in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Nellie, Cornelia, Eleanor, Elle, Ellen, Ellie outside U.S.

Similar Names

Nellie is alike in pronunciation to Neala, Nealla, Neelia, Neelie, Neelya, Neila, Neilla, Neola and Noella. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aillie, Allie, Belle, Billie, Celie, Celli, Collie, Delle, Delline, Dellis, Dollie, Hallie, Hedlie, Helle, Hellee, Hillie, Hollie, Jillie, Jullie, Keelie, Keilie, Kelcie, Kellbie (see Kelby), Kellee, Kelli, Kellie, Kellye, Kelpie, Kelsie, Keylie, Keyllie, Lealie, Lellia, Leslie, Lezlie, Melli, Mellie, Melvie, Mollie, Neale, Neddie, Neelle (see Neilina), Neile, Neille, Nellsea (see Nelsey), Nellsey (see Nelsey), Nelsie, Nerolie, Nessie, Nettie, Noele, Noell, Noelle, Ollie, Pollie, Sallie, Selbie, Selie, Shellie, Tallie, Tillie, Vallie, Verlie, Wallie, Weslie and Zelie. These names tend to be less frequently used than Nellie.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
