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What does Nelsey mean?

Nelsey Pronunciation of Nelsey as a girls' name. Modern name: Kelsey or Chelsea with an N-. The name is similar to Nelly.




VARIANTS Nellsea, Nellseigh, Nellsey, Nellsie, Nelsea, Nelseigh, Nelsie, Nelsy

OTHER FORMS VIA CHELSEA, KELSEY, NELLY Celsea, Chelse, Chelsee, Chelsei, Chelsey, Chelsy, Kelcey, Kelcy, Kellsey, Kelsa, Kelsea, Kelsee, Kelsi, Kelsie, Kelsy, Nel, Nelida, Nell, Nella, Nellene, Nelley, Nellie, Nellwen, Nellwyn



Nelsey Charlize (N.C.), ..

How popular is Nelsey?

Nelsey is a rare first name for women. Nelsey is also a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Kelsey (#417 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Chelsea (#470), Nellie (#1071), Kelsie (#1363), Kelsi (#1819), Nelly (#1982), Chelse, Chelsee, Chelsey, Chelsy, Kelcey, Kelsea, Kelsee, Kelsy, Nell and Nella are the prominent related forms of Nelsey (NOT RANKED) listed in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Nellwyn, are seldom used. These relations of Nelsey reached the height of their popularity in 1992 (AVERAGE #1006) and are now much less widespread (#1695, 93.5%), with forms like Kelsea becoming somewhat dated. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Chelse, Chelsea, Chelsee, Chelsey, Chelsy in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Kelcey, Kelsea, Kelsee, Kelsey, Kelsi in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Kelsie, Kelsy, Nell, Nella, Nellie, Nelly in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Chelsea, Kelsey, Nellie outside U.S.

Similar Names

Nelsey is alike in pronunciation to Nilsa. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ailey, Alley, Beckey, Betsey, Billey, Calley, Cassey, Celsea, Chelsey, Cloey, Coley, Delaney, Ellsey, Haley, Hatsey, Hepsey, Jenney, Jerrey, Jessey, Kalley, Keeley, Kelbey, Kelcey, Kelley, Kellsey, Kelsea, Kelsee, Kelsy, Keylley, Khloey, Laisey, Lassey, Lezley, Lynsey, Melaney, Mersey, Nancey, Nanney, Nansey, Neel, Neelie, Neely, Neesha, Neives, Nel, Nelle, Nelley, Nelli, Nellwen, Nessa, Nessah, Nessie, Nessy, Nessya, Nest, Netty, Neysa, Noelle, Nolen, Perrey, Raley, Reney, Reyney, Riley, Rosey, Salley, Selbey, Shelbey, Shelley, Stasey, Tansey, Tessey, Trasey and Wendey (see Wendy). These names tend to be more frequently used than Nelsey.
