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♀ Nelsy
What does Nelsy mean?
Nelsy as a girls' name is a variant form of Nelsey. Modern name: Kelsey.
VARIANTS Nelsie, Nelseigh, Nelsea, Nellsie, Nellsey, Nellseigh, Nellsea
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Nesy, ..
(male) Nelcio, ..
Nelsy Skyler (N.S.), ..
How popular is Nelsy?
Nelsy is a rare given name for females. Nelsy is an equally unique last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Nelsy has not been listed in the list so far. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Nelsy is pronounced similarly to Nellsea, Nellsey, Nellsie, Nelsea, Nelsey, Nelsie and Nilsa. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bessy, Betsy▼, Chelsy▼, Elsy, Hepsy, Jessy, Kelsy, Kessy, Lesy, Neely, Nel, Nela, Nelda▼, Nelia, Nell▼, Nella, Nelle▼, Nelley, Nelli, Nelly, Nesi, Nessa, Nessy, Nessya, Nest, Netty, Nevsa, Neysa, Sessy and Tessy. These names tend to be more commonly used than Nelsy.