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♀ Nicia
What does Nicia mean?
Nicia as a girls' name. Short form of -nice names such as Eunice and Berenice. Also form of Nicole.
VARIANTS Neecia, Nicija
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Nacia, ..
(male) Ninim, ..
Nicia Alexandra (N.A.), ..
How popular is Nicia?
Nicia is an unusual first name for women. Nicia is an equivalently unusual last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Nicole (#218 A YEAR AGO), Eunice (#1667) and Berenice are the popular related forms of Nicia (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). These relations of Nicia were popular as birth names 4 decades ago (MEDIAN #838) and have become significantly less conventional since (#1295, ▼93%). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Nicia is pronounced similarly to Nesha, Netia, Nicci, Niesha and Nisha. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aisia, Cilia, Dacia, Decia, Gilia, Ginia, Gioia, Jinia, Jioia, Jocia, Kacia, Kecia, Keicia, Kicia, Licia, Lidia, Ligia, Lilia▲, Lisia, Livia▲, Lucia▲, Lycia, Nadia, Naia, Nakia▼, Nania, Nasia, Nelia, Nia▲, Niada, Nibia, Nic, Nicki, Nickie, Nickita, Nicky, Nico, Nicol, Nicola, Nicotia (see Nicosia), Nidia, Nika, Niki▼, Nikia, Nikita▼, Nila, Nilda, Nilsa, Ninfa, Nioma, Nira, Nirit, Nissa, Nita▼, Nitsa, Nitza, Nixie, Novia, Nubia, Nydia, Nykia, Richia, Silia, Siria, Tacia, Tricia▼, Vinia, Vitia, Vivia and Zinia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Nicia.