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♀ Nilda
What does Nilda mean?
Nilda as a girls' name is of Italian and Old German origin, and the meaning of Nilda is "ready for battle". Nickname of Brunhilda often used as an independent name.
OTHER FORMS VIA BRUNHILDA Hilda▼, Hilde, Hildi, Hildie, Hildy
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Nilla, ..
(male) Nildo, ..
Nilda Carolina (N.C.), ..
How popular is Nilda?
Nilda is a very popular first name for females (#1107 out of 4276, Top 26%) but a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Nilda entered the list in 1940-1949 and reached its top position of #1119 in the U.S. during the years 1950-1959, but is not listed currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
The only other prominent variation form of Nilda is Hilda. Adoption of these relations of Nilda was widespread among parents 118 years ago (USAGE OF 0.2%), but now, the form Hilda has fallen out of fashion.
Similar Names
Nilda is pronounced similarly to Nelda▼. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aida, Alda▼, Allda, Awilda, Cinda, Elda▼, Gilda▼, Golda▼, Hinda, Holda, Hulda▼, Hylda, Kelda, Lida▼, Linda▼, Milada, Minda, Nada, Naiada (see Naida), Naida, Naila, Nalea, Nanda, Narda, Neda, Nedda, Neila, Neilla, Nela, Nelia, Nelida, Nella, Nia▲, Niada, Nibia, Nicia, Nidia, Nika, Nikia, Nila, Nilsa, Nina▼, Ninfa, Nioma, Nira, Nisha, Nissa, Nita▼, Nitsa, Nitza, Nola, Norda, Nula, Nyada, Nyla▲, Rida, Selda, Thilda, Tilda▼, Valda, Velda▼, Vida, Vieda, Walda, Welda, Wilda▼, Willda, Wylda and Zelda▲. These names tend to be less commonly used than Nilda.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]