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♀ Odissa
What does Odissa mean?
Odissa as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and Odissa means "angry man". Odissa is an alternate spelling of Odessa (Greek): form of Odysseus.
Odissa Shania (O.S.), ..
How popular is Odissa?
Odissa is an unusual given name for women. Odissa is an equivalently uncommon surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
The only prominent related form of Odissa (NOT RANKED) appearing in the Top 2000 is Odessa (#1835 IN RECENT RANKINGS). Other variants, like Odyssa, are seldom used. This relation of Odissa was favored a century ago (#308) and has become much less conventional since, with Odessa becoming less trendy. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Odissa is alike in pronunciation to Audessa. Other recommended sound-alike names are Ailsa, Alissa▼, Allissa, Amisa, Amissa, Anisa▼, Anissa▼, Annissa, Arlissa, Assa, Brissa▼, Calissa, Chrissa, Corissa, Crissa, Elisa▲, Elissa, Elyssa▼, Gisa, Hadassa, Ilissa, Illissa, Janissa, Jelissa, Kalissa, Karissa▼, Korissa, Krissa, Leisa▼, Lerissa, Lisa▼, Lissa, Luisa▲, Malissa▼, Morissa, Nessa, Nissa, Norissa, Oda, Odela, Odella, Odila, Odile, Odilia, Odolia, Ofilia, Oleisa, Olida, Olinda, Olisa, Oliva, Olivea, Olivia▲, Olivya, Ondina, Orasia, Orilla, Orina, Orinda, Oriola, Orsa, Orssa, Osma, Parissa, Raisa, Raissa, Taisa, Tassa (see Tasha), Thirsa, Tisa, Tossa, Trisa, Trissa and Ulissa. These names tend to be more frequently used than Odissa.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]