Home > Olina


What does Olina mean?

Olina Pronunciation of Olina as a girls' name is pronounced oh-LEE-nah. It is of Hawaiian origin, and the meaning of Olina is "joyous". Also form of Olena.



VARIANTS Oleen, Oline

(female) Olita, ..

(male) Olian, ..

Olina Liana (O.L.), ..

How popular is Olina?

Olina is an uncommon given name for females. Olina is an equivalently rare surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent variation forms of Olina (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000 are Olena and Oline. Adoption of these relations of Olina was well-received among parents a century ago (MEDIAN #1654). (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Olena, Oline in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Olina and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Olina is alike in pronunciation to Alanah, Aleana, Alina, Allana, Allona, Allyna, Alwyna, Alynah, Eilena, Eilona, Elainna, Elanah, Elanna, Eliana, Ellena, Elliana, Ellona, Ewelina, Ilana, Ileana, Iliana, Ilianna, Oleana, Wilona and Yelena. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alvina, Amina, Anina, Arina, Celina, China, Cliona, Colina, Elvina, Erlina, Felina, Flana, Gina, Idina, Jina, Jolina, Kalina, Melina, Odelina, Ofira, Ola, Oleisa, Olenya, Olexa, Olia, Olida, Oliff, Olinda, Olisa, Oliva, Olivia, Olivya, Olva, Olwin, Ondina, Oona, Opalina, Orina, Ornina, Oryna, Pnina, Reina, Stina, Teina, Tina, Urina, Valina, Veina, Vina and Zylina. These names tend to be more commonly used than Olina.
