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♀ Oliva
What does Oliva mean?
Oliva as a name for girls is of Latin derivation, and Oliva means "olive tree". Oliva is an alternate form of Olivia (Latin).
ASSOCIATED WITH olive (tree)
VARIANTS Olivya, Oliveea, Olivea, Alyvia, Alivia▲
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA OLIVIA Liv▲, Liva, Livia▲, Olevia, Olia, Oliff, Oliffe, Olive▼, Oliveria, Olivet, Olivetta, Olivija, Olivine, Ollie▼, Olva
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Olila, ..
(male) Olima, ..
Oliva Kaelyn (O.K.), ..
How popular is Oliva?
Oliva is a very popular first name for females (#2026 out of 4276, Top 47%) and also a very popular surname for both adults and children (#2241 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Oliva reached its peak rank of #1247 in the U.S. during the years 1900-1909, but is not listed currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Oliva are Olivia (#2 LAST YEAR), Alivia (#227), Olive (#270), Livia (#676), Liv (#684), Alyvia (#1199), Olevia, Olivine and Ollie. Other variants, like Liva, are seldom used. Adoption of these forms of Oliva was at its highest less than a decade ago (ADOPTION OF 1.3%) and is almost as widespread today (ADOPTION 1.3%, ▼3.6%). Olivia has historically been preferred by parents, although Alivia appears to be gaining popularity too, while versions like Ollie are no longer trendy.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Adiva, Akiva, Alva▼, Aviva, Cleva, Clova, Ediva, Elgiva, Elva▼, Kiva, Klava, Neiva, Odila, Ofira, Ola▼, Oleda, Oleisa, Olena, Oleta▼, Olexa, Olga▼, Oliana, Olida, Olina, Olinda, Oline, Olinia, Olisa, Olla, Onida, Onita, Oria, Orina, Ouida▼, Riva, Ulva, Viva▼ and Ziva. These names tend to be less frequently used than Oliva.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]