Home > Oneida


What does Oneida mean?

Oneida Pronunciation of Oneida as a girls' name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Oneida is "long awaited". Name of an American brand of silverware.



VARIANTS Onida, Onyda



Oneida Jaslyn (O.J.), ..

How popular is Oneida?

Oneida is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#2412 out of 4276, Top 56%) and also a somewhat prominent surname for both adults and children (#140756 out of 150436, Top 94%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Oneida reached its peak position of #1171 in the U.S. in the 1910s, but is not ranked currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Oneida name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Oneida outside U.S.

Similar Names

Oneida is pronounced similarly to Annida and Eneida. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aeeda, Aleda, Aleida, Alida, Allida, Amelda, Ananda, Anda, Breda, Breeda, Brenda, Davida, Freada, Freida, Frida, Gwenda, Hameida, Hamida, Heda, Heida, Ieeda, Jaeda, Jaida, Jenda, Karida, Kenda, Leda, Leida, Maida, Melida, Nelida, Oceana, Oda, Odela, Odelinda, Odetta, Oleana, Oleda, Oleisa, Olesia, Olexa, Olida, Olina, Olisa, Omega, Omeira, Ondina, Ondrea, Onella, Oneonta, Onita, Onnora, Onoria, Orelda, Orella, Oretha, Orinda, Ostia, Ouida, Reida, Theda, Theida, Veda, Veeda, Veida, Velda, Verda, Vieda, Wenda, Ymelda, Zelda, Zenda and Zureida. These names tend to be less frequently used than Oneida.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
