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♀ Onita
What does Onita mean?
Onita as a name for girls is a Latin name. Onita is an alternate form of Antonia (Latin): feminine of Anthony.
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Onira, ..
(male) Onido, ..
Onita Aida (O.A.), ..
How popular is Onita?
Onita is a somewhat popular first name for females (#3474 out of 4276, Top 81%) but a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Onita was first listed in 1920-1929 and reached its peak position of #1618 in the U.S. then, but is not listed at the moment. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Antonia (#1209 FROM RECENT DATA), Netta and Tonia are the prominent related forms of Onita rated in the Top 2000. These relations of Onita were popular as birth names 5 decades ago (AVERAGE #1214) and have become significantly less widespread since, with forms such as Tonia going out of style.
Similar Names
Onita is alike in pronunciation to Aneeta, Aneta, Anetta, Anita▼, Annita, Annitta, Inetta, Juanita▼, Unita, Unitey, Unity, Wahnita, Waneta, Wanita and Yonita. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alita, Amita, Arnita, Benita▼, Bonita▼, Chita, Danita▼, Denita, Dita, Donita, Edita, Elita, Evita, Ghita, Gita, Hanita, Irita, Janita, Jenita, Jonita, Junita, Lanita, Lenita, Lita, Nenita, Nita▼, Odila, Ofira, Olia, Olida, Olina, Olisa, Oliva, Ondina, Ondra, Oneida, Oni, Onida, Onie▼, Onora, Onyda, Oreta, Oria, Orina, Orit, Ornina, Ouida▼, Ranita, Reita, Renita▼, Rita▼, Sunita, Tanita, Tita, Vanita, Venita, Vinita, Vita, Zanita and Zita. These names tend to be less commonly used than Onita.