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♀ Ophilia
What does Ophilia mean?
Ophilia as a name for girls is of Greek derivation, and Ophilia means "help". Ophilia is a version of Ophelia (Greek).
VARIANTS Ophelya, Ophelie, Ofilia, Ofelia▼
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA OPHELIA Availia, Filia, Ovalia, Ovelia, Phelia
Ophilia Marlo (O.M.), ..
How popular is Ophilia?
Ophilia is a rare first name for women. Ophilia is an equally unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Ophilia (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 are Ofelia and Ophelia (#373 A YEAR AGO). These forms of Ophilia were favored in 2018, except for the version Ofelia which has become less stylish. Ophelia is the most trendy baby name in this compilation. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Aemilia, Amilia▲, Aphria, Athalia, Attilia, Basilia, Cecilia▲, Ceilia, Chalia, Cicilia, Cilia, Dahlia▲, Emilia▲, Ercilia, Ersilia, Erzilia, Galilia, Gelilia, Gilia, Jamilia, Kamilia, Kekilia, Lilia▲, Lucilia, Mahalia, Mahelia, Mehalia, Mihalia, Odeelia (see Odelia), Odelia, Odellia, Odila, Odilia, Odolia, Olia, Olinia, Olivia▲, Opalina, Ophira, Ophra, Oralia, Orelia, Orilla, Orphia, Ottalia, Otthilda (see Otthild), Ottila, Ottilia, Ottilie▼, Otylia, Philia, Sacilia, Sarilia, Sasilia, Sesilia, Shalia, Sheilia, Shelia▼, Sicilia, Silia, Tahlia, Thalia, Udilia, Vasilia and Vigilia. These names tend to be more commonly used than Ophilia.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]