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♀ Orabel
What does Orabel mean?
Orabel as a girls' name is of Latin derivation, and the meaning of the name Orabel is "prayerful". Orabel is an alternate spelling of Arabella (Latin): from "orabilis". Orabel is also a derivative of Ora (Latin).
VARIANTS Orabelle, Arabelle, Arabel
RELATIONS VIA ARABELLA, ORA Arabela, Arbela, Arbell, Orabella, Orbel, Orbella, Orbelle
Orabel Briar (O.B.), ..
How popular is Orabel?
Orabel is an unusual first name for females. Orabel is an equivalently uncommon surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Orabel (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000 are Arabella (#174 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Arabelle (#1734) and Ora. Other forms, like Orabelle, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Orabel reached its highest during 1880-1889 (USAGE OF 0.19%) and is somewhat less today (USAGE 0.11%, ▼42.5%). Arabella is the clear favorite, while Ora has become less contemporary. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Amabel, Amaybel, Anabel, Annabel, Ariel, Barbel, Batel, Carabel, Carel, Clarabel, Corabel, Cybel, Dael, Darel, Erthel (see Eartha), Fraydel, Gael, Gretel, Grisel, Grizel, Hazel▼, Isabel, Isbel, Ishbel, Isobel, Izabel, Jael▲, Janel▼, Jayel, Jezabel, Karel, Lael, Lisabel, Mabel▼, Madel, Marabel, Maribel▼, Marybel, Maybel, Meribel, Mirabel, Onnjel, Opal▼, Opall, Oracia, Orah, Oralee, Orali, Oralia, Oralie, Oralit (see Oralee), Orane, Orange, Orania, Orasia, Oratia, Orel, Orela, Orfea, Oriane, Oriel, Orlee, Orphea, Orsel, Rahel, Rakel, Rosabel, Shanel, Sharel, Sibel, Sybel, Ysabel, Ysbel, Ysobel and Yzobel. These names tend to be more commonly used than Orabel.