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♀ Ottolie
What does Ottolie mean?
Ottolie as a girls' name is of French origin. Ottolie is a variant form of Ottilie (French): version of Otthild.
Ottolie Avalyn (O.A.), ..
How popular is Ottolie?
Ottolie is a rare first name for females. Ottolie is an equally unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Ottolie (NOT RANKED) listed in the Top 2000 are Ottilia and Ottilie. Adoption of these relations of Ottolie was at its peak 138 years ago (AVERAGE #684), but now, the form Ottilie has become less trendy. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Ottolie is pronounced similarly to Atalie, Attalie, Attilia, Ottalia, Ottila, Ottilia, Ottilie▼ and Otylia. Other recommended sound-alike names are Antonie, Athalie, Attie, Ettie▼, Jolie▲, Joolie, Natalie, Natelie, Natilie, Nattilie (see Natalie), Nerolie, Octavie, Odolia, Ollie▼, Ophelie, Oralie, Orelie, Oreolle (see Oriole), Oriole, Oriolle, Ottavia, Ottiline, Ottoline and Yolie. These names tend to be more commonly used than Ottolie.