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♀ Pandora
What does Pandora mean?
Pandora as a girls' name is pronounced pan-DOE-ah. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Pandora is "all gifts". Greek mythology: the first mortal woman Pandora was created beautiful and delightful by the gods, such that every man was attracted to her. She was given charge of a mysterious box and told not to open it. Being curious, she opened the box, and all of humankind's ills flew out, followed by the one counterpart, Hope.
VARIANTS Dora▼, Doura, Pandorah, Panndora, Pandorra, Pandoura
Pandora Palmer (P.P.), ..
How popular is Pandora?
Pandora is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#2934 out of 4276, Top 69%) and also a somewhat prominent surname for all people (#132259 out of 150436, Top 88%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Pandora was first listed in 1950-1959 and reached its highest position of #1241 in the U.S. in the 1950s, but is not in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Dora is the only other prominent variation form of Pandora. Adoption of these relations of Pandora was well-received among parents in the 1880s (USAGE OF 0.6%), but now, the form Dora has become less trendy.
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Amadora, Andera, Anora, Candra, Cantara, Chandara, Cyndra, Deandra▼, Diandra, Dinora, Eldora▼, Enora, Eudora, Fadora, Faydra, Fedora, Fyedora, Fyodora, Hadara, Isidora, Jadra, Janora, Jaydra, Kandra, Keandra, Kendra▼, Kiandra, Kindra, Kyndra, Landra, Lanora, Leodora, Madora, Medora, Menora, Nadira, Ondra, Onnora, Onora, Padma, Palloma, Palmyra, Pandra, Panfila, Panfyla (see Panphila), Pangiota, Paniya, Panthea, Panthia, Panya, Paola▼, Phaedra, Phaidra, Phedra, Sadira, Sahndra (see Sandra), Sandera, Sandra▼, Sanndra, Saundra▼, Shandra, Sonora, Talora, Tamora, Tanitra, Teodora, Tiandra, Todora, Valora, Vannora, Vanora, Xandra, Zahndra, Zandra and Zondra. These names tend to be less commonly used than Pandora.