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♀ Pandorra
What does Pandorra mean?
Pandorra as a girls' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Pandorra is "all gifts". Pandorra is an alternate form of Pandora (Greek).
VARIANTS Panndora, Pandoura, Pandorah
Pandorra Maliah (P.M.), ..
How popular is Pandorra?
Pandorra is an uncommon first name for females. Pandorra is a rare surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Pandora is the only prominent varying form of Pandorra (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000. This relation of Pandorra was popular with parents in the 1960s (#1376). (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Alandra, Amorra, Andera, Andra, Annora, Anora, Barra, Candra, Chandara, Dyandra, Eldora▼, Elnora▼, Eudora, Fadora, Farra, Feodora, Fyedora, Indeera, Indira, Isidora, Jadra, Jaidra, Janevra (see Geneva), Janora, Jaydra, Kanara, Kanarra, Kandra, Keandra, Kendra▼, Kiandra, Landra, Laneetra, Lanora, Leandra▼, Leanora, Lenora▼, Lenorra, Lindira (see Linda), Madeira, Madora, Madra, Medora, Menora, Nadra, Onnora, Ornora (see Onora), Pallmyra (see Palma), Palmira, Paloma▲, Pandra, Panfila, Pangiota, Pania, Paniya, Panphila, Panthea, Pantheia, Pantheya (see Panthea), Sadira, Saharra, Sahndra (see Sandra), Sandera, Sandra▼, Sandria, Saundra▼, Tanitra, Tarra, Valoura, Vannora, Vanora, Xandra, Xandria, Zahndra and Zandra. These names tend to be more frequently used than Pandorra.