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♀ Rachel
What does Rachel mean?
Rachel ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced RAY-chel. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Rachel is "ewe, female sheep". Biblical: Jacob's wife, described as being "beautiful in form and countenance". Jennifer Aniston's character in the popular TV series "Friends" was named Rachel. Rachelle (ra-SHELL) is a variant pronunciation; Raquel is popular in Spain. See also Richelle and Rochelle. Actresses Raquel Welch, Rachel Ward, Rachel Griffins; author Rachel Carson.
VARIANTS Rachael▼, Racheal▼, Rachelanne, Rachelce, Rachele, Racheli, Rachell, Rachelle▼, Rachil, Rae, Raechel, Raechell, Rahel, Rahil, Rakel, Raquel▼, Raquela, Raquella, Raquelle, Ray▼, Raychel, Raychelle, Rashell, Rashelle, Raychel, Rechell, Shell, Shelley▼, Shellie▼, Shelly▼
RELATED FORMS VIA RAQUEL, RICHELLE, ROCHELLE Racquel, Racquell, Roch, Rochele, Rochell, Rochella, Roquel
Rachel Clare (R.C.), ..
How popular is Rachel?
Rachel is a very prominent first name for women (#79 out of 4276, Top 2%) and also a very prominent last name for all people (#12181 out of 150436, Top 8%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Rachel reached its highest rank of #9 in the U.S. in 1996, and is at #198 presently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Popular related forms of Rachel (#198 IN 2018) listed in the Top 2000 are Rachael (#1807), Racheal, Rachele, Rachell, Rachelle, Racquel, Rae (#1122), Raechel, Raquel (#932), Ray, Richelle, Rochell, Rochelle, Shelley, Shellie and Shelly. These relations of Rachel were at the top of their popularity 38 years ago (ADOPTION OF 1.32%) and are now significantly less common (ADOPTION 0.13%, 90% LESS), with forms like Shelly becoming less stylish.
Similar Names
Rachel▼ is alike in pronunciation to Richel and Richele. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Barbel, Batel, Bethel, Carel, Cariel, Carmel▼, Ceciel, Chel, Dael, Darcel, Darel, Darrel, Erthel (see Eartha), Ethel▼, Gael, Gayel, Hadeel, Hazel▼, Jacquel, Jael▲, Jahnel, Janel▼, Janiel, Jannel, Jayel, Karel, Karmel, Lael, Laurel, Mabel▼, Madel, Maidel, Mariel▼, Marvel▼, Michael▼, Nachell, Rachana, Radha, Raedell, Raelee, Raene, Rafaela, Railey, Raine, Rainee, Rainey, Raizel, Ramee, Ramie, Ramsey, Ranae, Randee, Ranee, Raphaela, Raphella, Rasheda, Raven, Rawley, Raye, Rayne▲, Raynee, Raynell, Rayney, Rayzel, Raziela, Rhea▲, Richela, Richella, Richia, Richmal, Rickee, Rondel and Ruthe. These names tend to be less commonly used than Rachel.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]