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♀ Rachele
What does Rachele mean?
Rachele as a name for girls has its root in Hebrew, and Rachele means "ewe, female sheep". Rachele is a version of Rachel (Hebrew). Biblical: Jacob's wife.
VARIANTS Rechell, Raychelle, Raychel, Raechell, Raechel, Rachil, Rachelle▼, Rachell, Racheal▼
OTHER FORMS VIA RACHEL Rachael▼, Rachelanne, Rachelce, Racheli, Rahel, Rahil, Rakel, Raquel▼, Raquela, Raquelle, Rashell, Rashelle
Rachele Maylee (R.M.), ..
How popular is Rachele?
Rachele is a somewhat popular first name for females (#2443 out of 4276, Top 57%) but a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Rachele was first listed in 1960-1969 and reached its peak position of #1296 in the U.S. in the 1970s, but is not listed currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Rachael (#1807 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Racheal, Rachel (#198), Rachell, Rachelle, Raechel and Raquel (#932) are the popular variation forms of Rachele. These forms of Rachele reached the peak of their popularity in 1996 (ADOPTION OF 1.2%) and have become much less conventional since (ADOPTION 0.1%, ▼90.1%).
Similar Names
Rachele is alike in pronunciation to Richel, Richele, Richelle▼, Rochele, Rochell, Rochelle▼, Roschelle and Roshelle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Baseele (see Basilia), Bazeele, Cathelle (see Catherine), Chele, Danele, Daniele, Darchelle, Dariele (see Daria), Hannele, Kahle, Lachelle, Lacole, Machelle, Marcele, Marchelle, Marlele, Marvele, Mashelle, Mechelle, Michaele, Michele▼, Michelle▼, Mychele, Mychelle, Nachell, Nichele, Nichelle, Nichole▼, Nychole, Paschale, Pashelle, Rachana, Racquel, Racquell, Raedell, Raelene, Raene, Rafaela, Raffaele, Rainee, Rainelle, Raizel, Ramee, Randee, Randelle, Randene, Ranee, Ranelle, Ranielle, Raoule, Raphaela, Raphaelle, Raphella, Rasheda, Raylene, Raynee, Raynell, Raynelle, Rayzel, Raziela, Richela, Richella, Richette, Rickee, Rochella, Rozele (see Rosalie) and Ruthelle. These names tend to be less frequently used than Rachele.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]