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♀ Radha
What does Radha mean?
Radha as a girls' name is of Hindi and Sanskrit origin, and the meaning of Radha is "success". In Hindu religion, the name of one of Krishna's consorts.
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Radma, ..
(male) Radra, ..
Radha Charleigh (R.C.), ..
How popular is Radha?
Radha is an uncommon first name for females and also a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Radha has not been recorded in the list thus far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Radha is pronounced similarly to Reda, Reeda, Reida, Rhoda▼, Rhodea, Rhodia, Rida, Roda, Rodi, Rodie, Rudi and Rudie. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Basha, Casha, Catha, Dasha, Dayha, Kasha, Katha, Masha, Matha, Pasha, Rafa, Raina▲, Raisa, Raiza, Raja, Rama, Rana, Randa, Rania, Ranna, Rasia, Rasja, Rasya, Raula, Raya▲, Rayla, Rayma, Rayna▲, Razia, Reatha, Retha▼, Ruzha, Sacha, Sarha, Sasha and Tasha▼. These names tend to be more frequently used than Radha.