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♀ Rafaela
What does Rafaela mean?
Rafaela as a girls' name is pronounced rah-fah-AY-lah. It is of Spanish origin. Feminine of Raphael. See Raphaela.
RELATIONS VIA RAPHAELA Rafa, Rafaelia, Rafella, Rafelle, Raffaela, Raffaele, Raffaella, Raphaella, Raphella, Refaella, Refella, Rephaela
Rafaela Catherine (R.C.), ..
How popular is Rafaela?
Rafaela is a very prominent first name for women (#1163 out of 4276, Top 27%) but an unusual last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Rafaela reached its apex position of #1159 in the U.S. during 1920-1929, but is not in the Top 1000 currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Raffaela is the only other popular alternative form of Rafaela rated in the Top 2000. Adoption of these forms of Rafaela reached its most widespread during the years 1920-1929 (AVERAGE #1498).
Similar Names
Rafaela is pronounced similarly to Rafaelia, Rafella, Raffaela, Raffaella, Raphaella, Raphella, Refaella, Refella and Rephaela. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Caela, Camala, Camela, Carmela▼, Damalla, Dangela, Harela, Harrela (see Harela), Jakayla▼, Jamela, Janela, Kaela▼, Karmela, Laela, Macaela, Mahala▼, Mahalla, Makayla▼, Manuela▼, Marcela, Mariela▼, Marvela, Micaela, Nabeela, Natala, Pamalla, Pamela▼, Rachael▼, Rachel▼, Rachele, Racheli, Rachell, Radilla, Radmila, Raeanna, Raedell, Raelena, Rafa, Rafah, Rafelle, Raffaele, Rahel, Raizel, Rakel, Ranae, Raoula, Raquel▼, Raquela, Rashell, Raula, Ravena, Rayana, Rayanna, Rayla, Raynell, Rayzel, Raziela, Raziella, Rexalla, Richela, Romala, Rufeena, Samala, Samuela, Shaela and Tangela. These names tend to be less frequently used than Rafaela.