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♀ Rayette
What does Rayette mean?
Rayette as a girls' name is of Hebrew and Latin origin, and the meaning of the name Rayette is "ewe; queen". Rayette is a version of Rae (Hebrew): contraction of Rachel. Rayette is also a form of Raina (Latin).
RELATED FORMS VIA RAE, RAINA Raelee, Raene, Raleine, Raye, Rayleine, Raylene, Rayline, Rayne▲, Raynelle, Raynetta
Rayette Kinslee (R.K.), ..
How popular is Rayette?
Rayette is an uncommonly occurring given name for women. Rayette is an equivalently uncommon last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Rae (#1122 VIA LATEST LIST), Raelee, Raina (#812), Raye, Raylene and Rayne (#815) are the popular varying forms of Rayette (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Usage of these relations of Rayette was at its most widespread in 2018 (ADOPTION OF 0.1%). Raina and Rayne are two of the more chic girl names here. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Rayette is alike in pronunciation to Ryette. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Arette, Ariette, Arnette, Babette, Barbette, Bette▼, Brette, Briette, Cadette, Clarette, Clayrette, Danette▼, Dawnette, Dorette, Earlette, Earvette (see Irvette), Eliette, Elyette, Fayetta, Fayette, Genette, Halette, Irvette, Janette▼, Jazette, Jeanette▼, Jenette, Jette, Joette, Julyette, Korette, Lanette, Lavette, Lizette▼, Lucette, Lurette, Manette, Marette, Minette, Mosette, Nadette, Nanette▼, Nynette, Orette, Rafelle, Ranelle, Ranite, Raycine, Rayeann, Rayvenne, Renetta, Renette, Retta▼, Rhetta, Rhonette (see Rhonda), Rillette, Robette, Rochette, Ronette, Rosetta▼, Rosette, Saleste, Sarette, Suzette▼, Tayte, Twanette, Vinette, Vynette, Waldette, Wanette, Wyette, Yette, Yolette and Yvette▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Rayette.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]