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♀ Rayney
What does Rayney mean?
Rayney as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the name Rayney means "queen". Rayney is a version of Raina (Latin): version of Regina (Latin).
VARIANTS Reyney, Reyna▲, Reina▲, Rayna▲, Rainy, Rainey, Rainee, Rainah, Raenah
OTHER FORMS VIA RAINA Raene, Raine, Raya▲, Rayann, Raylene, Rayline, Rayne▲, Raynelle, Raynetta
Rayney Alexa (R.A.), ..
How popular is Rayney?
Rayney is an uncommon first name for women. Rayney is also a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Raina (#812 LAST YEAR), Raine (#1669), Raya (#1139), Raylene, Rayna (#701), Rayne (#815), Reina (#652) and Reyna (#611) are the prominent variation forms of Rayney (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Raynelle, are seldom used. Adoption of these forms of Rayney is at its peak presently (AVERAGE #1049). The trendier birth names here are Raina, Raya, Rayna, Rayne, Reina and Reyna. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Rayney is alike in pronunciation to Rana, Ranae, Ranay, Ranee, Rani, Rania, Ranna, Rawnie, Rayana, Rayanna, Raynee, Rayona, Renay, Rene▼, Renee▼, Reney, Rennay, Renny, Ronay, Ronee, Ronnee, Ronney and Ronny. Other recommended sound-alike names are Caycey (see Casey), Cayley, Caysey, Chayney, Dabney, Daney, Danney, Dayne, Fanney, Gayner, Hayley▼, Janey, Janney▼, Jayne▼, Kaycey, Kayley▼, Kaysey, Lainey▲, Laney, Layne, Layney, Marney, Maydey (see Maida), Nanney, Payne, Railey, Rain, Raley, Ramee, Ramie, Ramsey, Randy▼, Rawley, Raye, Rayma, Rayven, Rayzel, Reanne, Reene, Reine, Renne, Riane, Rianne, Riayn, Roanne, Romney, Ryane, Ryanne, Ryen, Rynn, Taney and Tawney. These names tend to be more frequently used than Rayney.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]