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♀ Reba
What does Reba mean?
Reba ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced REE-bah. Short form of Rebecca, made familiar by singer Reba McEntire. Also form of Riva.
RELATED FORMS VIA REBECCA Becca, Beck, Becka, Beki, Bekka, Rebakah, Rebba, Rebbeca, Rebbie, Rebeca, Rebecah, Rebecha, Rebecka, Rebeha, Rebeka, Rebekah▼, Rebekha, Rebekka, Ree, Reeba, Reveka, Riva, Rivah, Rivi, Rivka▲, Rivy
Reba Nina (R.N.), ..
How popular is Reba?
Reba is a very popular first name for females (#531 out of 4276, Top 12%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#74164 out of 150436, Top 49%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Reba reached its apex position of #242 in the U.S. during 1920-1929, but is not found in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Reba are Rebecca (#214 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Rebekah (#704), Rivka (#867), Rebeca (#1297), Becca, Rebecka, Rebeka, Rebekka and Rheba. Other forms, like Rebbeca, are uncommon. Adoption of these relations of Reba was widespread 5 decades ago (MEDIAN #1432) and is now much diminished (#1508, 85.7% LESS USAGE). Rebecca is more universally found than the rest, although Rivka appears to be getting popular too, while versions like Rebecca have become less popular.
Similar Names
Reba▼ is pronounced similarly to Rabiah, Rebba, Rebbie, Reeba, Roba, Robbi, Robby, Robee, Robi, Rubee, Rubey, Rubi▼, Rubia, Rubie▼ and Ruby▼. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alba, Beba, Bebba, Eba, Ebba, Keiba, Kiba, Liba, Melba▼, Rabab, Rafa, Rama, Rea, Read, Rebeca, Rebeha, Reda, Ree, Reed, Reeda, Reesa, Reeta, Reeva, Reida, Reina▲, Reita, Remi▲, Remy▲, Rena▼, Reta▼, Retha▼, Retta▼, Reva▼, Rey, Reya, Reyna▲, Reza, Rezi, Rezka, Rhea▲, Rheta, Ria▼, Rica, Rida, Rieta, Rika, Rima, Risa, Riva, Roda, Roma▼, Rona, Roza, Rupa, Ruta, Ruza, Rysa, Saba, Sheba and Zeba. These names tend to be less frequently used than Reba.