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♀ Renell
What does Renell mean?
Renell as a name for girls is of French derivation, and the meaning of the name Renell is "reborn". Renell is an alternate spelling of Renee (French).
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA RENEE Ranee, Renae▼, Renata▲, Renay, Renaye, Rene▼, Renie, Renita▼, Renne, Rennie, Renny
Renell Dorothy (R.D.), ..
How popular is Renell?
Renell is an uncommon first name for females. Renell is a unique last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Ranee, Renae, Renata (#505 FROM RECENT DATA), Renay, Rene, Renee (#1067), Renita and Rennie are the popular variation forms of Renell (NOT RANKED). Other variants, like Renaye, are seldom used. Adoption of these relations of Renell was more pronounced among parents during 1960-1969 (MEDIAN #1026) and has become much lower since (#1696, 87% LESS USAGE). Renee is the continual favorite, though Renata has gained in usage over time, while versions like Renee used to be popular. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Renell is pronounced similarly to Rainelle, Ranelle, Ranielle, Raynell, Raynelle, Reinelle, Reynelle, Ronelle and Ronnelle. Other recommended sound-alike names are Danell, Denell, Denelle, Donell, Fenella, Janell▼, Jenell, Jenella, Jenelle▼, Jewell▼, Jonell, Kendell, Linell, Lynell, Raedell, Rechell, Refella (see Raphaela), Reinella, Reney, Rexella, Romella, Romelle, Ronella, Ronnella, Shenell, Terell, Tonell, Wendell and Wynell. These names tend to be more frequently used than Renell.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]