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♀ Rezka
What does Rezka mean?
Rezka as a girls' name is a Greek name, and the name Rezka means "late summer". Rezka is an alternate form of Theresa (Greek).
OTHER FORMS VIA THERESA Resi, Rezi, Tera▼, Tersa, Terza, Tessa▲, Treza
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Relka, ..
(male) Rezra, ..
Rezka Alyna (R.A.), ..
How popular is Rezka?
Rezka is a rare given name for females. Rezka is an equivalently unique last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Tera, Tessa (#245 IN RECENT RANKINGS) and Theresa (#1106) are the popular varying forms of Rezka (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Other variants, like Treza, are seldom used. Adoption of these forms of Rezka was more pronounced among parents during 1960-1969 (MEDIAN #955) and is now significantly reduced (#1117, ▼83.1%). Theresa has been the recurring favorite, though Tessa has become trendy as well, while forms like Tera have become less contemporary. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Becka, Bekka, Celka, Decka, Deka, Henka, Jelka, Jezika, Meeka, Neka, Razia, Rea, Reba▼, Rebba, Rebeka, Reda, Reeba, Reeda, Reena, Reesa, Reeta, Reeva, Reida, Reiko, Reina▲, Reita, Rella, Rena▼, Reta▼, Retha▼, Retta▼, Reva▼, Reveka, Reya, Reyba, Reyna▲, Reza, Ricka, Riecka (see Rica), Rieka, Rifka, Rika, Rivka▲, Roza, Rozsa, Ruza, Ruzha, Ruzsa, Telka, Verka and Yevka. These names tend to be more commonly used than Rezka.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]