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♀ Roberta
What does Roberta mean?
Roberta ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced roh-BER-tah. It is of Old English and Old German origin, and the meaning of Roberta is "bright fame". Feminine of Robert. Similar to the familiar Alberta. Robbie is used occasionally for boys. Singers Roberta Peters, Roberta Flack.
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, bright (light)
VARIANTS Baubie, Berdie, Berta▼, Bertie▼, Berty, Bobbe, Bobbee, Bobbette, Bobbie▼, Bobby▼, Bobbye▼, Bobette, Bobi, Bobie, Bobina, Bobine, Bobinette, Reberta, Roba, Robbee, Robbey, Robbi, Robbie▼, Robby, Robeena, Robella, Robelle, Robena, Robenia, Roberda, Robernetta, Robertena, Robertene, Robertha, Robertina, Robertine, Roberto, Robetta, Robette, Robettina, Robi, Robin▼, Robina, Robinett, Robinette, Robinia, Robyn▼, Robyna, Robynna, Ruberta, Rupa, Ruperta, Rupetta
RELATIONS VIA ALBERTA, ROBBIE Albert, Albertha▼, Alverta, Auberta, Auberte, Aubertha, Elberta, Elbertha, Robee
Roberta Claire (R.C.), ..
How popular is Roberta?
Roberta is a very popular first name for females (#185 out of 4276, Top 4%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#63450 out of 150436, Top 42%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Roberta reached its apex rank of #81 in the U.S. during 1940-1949, but is not in the list currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Roberta are Albert, Alberta, Albertha, Alverta, Berdie, Berta, Bertie, Bobbie, Bobby, Bobbye, Bobette, Elberta, Robbi, Robbie, Robena, Robert, Robin (#974 IN RECENT RANKINGS) and Robyn (#1021). Other forms, like Aubertha, are uncommon. These relations of Roberta reached the top of their popularity 58 years ago (AVERAGE #1319) and have become significantly less widespread since (#1894, ▼96.8%), with forms such as Robyn becoming less trendy.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Coetta, Coleta (see Colette), Coletta, Conetta, Coretta, Cosetta, Donetta, Doretta, Eberta, Egberta, Filberta (see Philiberta), Gerta, Gilberta, Herta, Huberta, Joetta, Joleta, Joletta, Jonetta, Josetta, Koretta, Laberta, Loleta, Loletta, Loreta, Loretta▼, Meerta, Modesta, Norbeta, Rebeca, Rebecca▼, Rebecha, Rebecka, Rebeha, Rebeka, Rebekka, Reeta, Reita, Reneeta, Renetta, Reta▼, Retta▼, Rexetta, Rheeta, Rheta, Rhetta, Rieta, Robene, Roderica, Roderiga (see Roderica), Roderika (see Roderica), Roderqua (see Roderica), Romea, Romelia, Romella, Ronella, Ronette, Rora, Roselia, Rosella▼, Rosena, Roser, Rosetta▼, Rosette, Rosita, Roweena, Roweina, Rowena▼, Rowenna, Roxeena, Rozella, Rozletta (see Roza), Rubetta, Uberta and Yuberta. These names tend to be less commonly used than Roberta.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]