Home > Rochelle


What does Rochelle mean?

Rochelle Pronunciation of Rochelle as a girls' name is pronounced roh-SHELL. It is of French and Old German origin, and the meaning of Rochelle is "little rock; rest". May be based on the French place name of La Rochelle. Also feminine variant of Rocco (Italian). Saint Rocco (14th century) was a pilgrim and healer.


ASSOCIATED WITH little, rock, saint


VARIANTS Roch, Rochele, Rochell, Rochella, Rochette, Roschella, Roschelle, Roshelle, Shell, Shelley, Shelly




Rochelle Karen (R.K.), ..

How popular is Rochelle?

Rochelle is a very popular first name for females (#443 out of 4276, Top 10%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#8766 out of 150436, Top 6%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Rochelle was first listed in 1900-1909 and reached its highest position of #284 in the U.S. during 1970-1979, but is not in the list at the moment. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Rochelle name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Rochelle outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Rachel (#198 IN 2018), Rochell, Shelley and Shelly are the popular variation forms of Rochelle. These forms of Rochelle were popular with parents in the 1980s (AVERAGE #596) and have become much less popular since (#1639, DOWN 91%), with versions such as Rachel becoming less stylish.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Rochelle, Rachel, Rochell, Shelley, Shelly in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Rachel outside U.S.

Similar Names

Rochelle is pronounced similarly to Racheal, Rachele, Rachell, Rachelle, Raechell, Rashell, Rashelle, Raychelle, Rechell, Richel, Richele and Richelle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Bethelle (see Bethel), Cathelle (see Catherine), Cordelle, Cornelle, Correlle, Donelle, Jobelle, Jocelle, Jodelle, Johnelle, Jonelle, Joselle, Jovelle, Jowelle, Kordelle, Lachelle, Lorelle, Lowrelle (see Lorelle), Mashelle, Mechelle, Meechelle, Michele, Michell, Moiselle, Moselle, Mychele, Mychelle, Nicholle, Noelle, Pashelle, Rachael, Racheli, Racquell, Raechel, Randelle, Ranelle, Ranielle, Raquella, Raquelle, Renelle, Reynelle, Rhondelle, Richela, Richella, Richette, Richmalle (see Ricarda), Robella, Romelle, Ronella, Ronnelle, Roquel, Rosabelle, Rosalee, Roselia, Rosellen, Royalle, Rozalee, Rozelie (see Rosalie), Rozella, Rozely (see Rosalie), Ruthelle, Schelley and Shelle. These names tend to be less frequently used than Rochelle.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
