Home > Rosa


What does Rosa mean?

Rosa Pronunciation of Rosa as a girls' name is pronounced ROH-za. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Rosa is "rose". Popular flower name for girls. This Latin word was not used as a personal name among English speakers until the 19th century, during which a number of flower names came into use for girls, including Daisy and Lily. Rosa is the Latin form, Rose is English, and both are well-used in English-speaking countries.


ASSOCIATED WITH 19th century


VARIANTS Anarosa, Beliarosa, Rosabelle, Rosal, Rosaura, Rose, Rosella, Roser, Rosetta, Rosette, Rosie, Rosina, Rosita, Roza

SEE ALSO Rhoda, Rosalie, Roseanne

RELATED FORMS VIA DAISY, LILY, ROSE Lila, Rasia, Rasja, Rasya, Rhoda, Rhodea, Rhodia, Rhody, Rosalia, Rosalie, Rosalin, Rosanie, Roselia, Rosena, Rosenah, Rosene, Rosey, Rosine, Rosio, Roslyn, Rosy, Roze, Rozina, Rozsa, Rozsi, Rozsika, Rozy, Ruza, Ruzha, Ruzsa, Zita



Rosa Verity (R.V.), ..

How popular is Rosa?

Rosa is a very popular first name for females (#112 out of 4276, Top 3%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#1132 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Rosa reached its apex position of #58 in the U.S. in the 1880s, and is at #641 currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Rosa name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Rosa outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Daisy (#169 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Lila (#224), Lily (#31), Rhoda, Rosabelle, Rosalia (#1556), Rosalie (#208), Rose (#123), Roseanne, Rosella, Rosena, Rosetta, Rosey, Rosie (#619), Rosina, Rosio, Rosita, Roslyn (#1357), Rosy and Zita are the popular alternative forms of Rosa (#641). Usage of these forms of Rosa reached its peak in the 1880s (ADOPTION OF 2.19%) and has become significantly diminished since (ADOPTION 0.83%, 62.3% LESS). Daisy has generally been popular among parents, though Lily has gained in popularity over time, while forms like Rhoda have become less contemporary.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Rosa, Daisy, Lila, Lily, Rhoda in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Rosabelle, Rosalia, Rosalie, Rose, Roseanne in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Rosella, Rosena, Rosetta, Rosey, Rosie in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Rosina, Rosio, Rosita, Roslyn, Rosy, Zita in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Daisy, Lily, Rose, Rosie outside U.S.

Similar Names

Rosa is pronounced similarly to Raisa, Raissa, Raiza, Razi, Razia, Reesa, Resi, Reza, Rezi, Riesa, Risa, Rosae, Rosai, Rosay, Rosee and Rysa. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Asa, Elsa, Gisa, Ilsa, Isa, Lisa, Lusa, Lysa, Mesa, Nysa, Orsa, Rafa, Raja, Rama, Rana, Raya, Reda, Reta, Reva, Reya, Rhea, Rhia, Rhona, Ria, Rica, Rika, Rima, Rise, Rita, Ritsa, Riva, Roba, Robi, Roch, Roda, Roma, Romea, Romi, Romma, Romy, Rona, Ronae, Ronay, Ronda, Roni, Ronna, Rora, Ros, Rosana, Ross, Rosse, Roxi, Roxy, Roya, Roz, Rupa, Tasa, Tisa and Ursa. These names tend to be less frequently used than Rosa.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
