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♀ Rosalie
What does Rosalie mean?
Rosalie as a girls' name is pronounced ROH-za-lee. It is of French origin. Possibly "rose garden". Variant of the Italian Rosalia (roh-za-LEE-ah, roh-ZAYL-yah). Rosalia is a saint's name. Mostly 19th-century use. See also Rosa. Also form of Rose.
ASSOCIATED WITH rose (flower), saint, 19th century
VARIANTS Rosalee▲, Rosaleen, Rosaley, Rosalia, Rosalina▲, Rosaline, Rosalyne, Roselia, Rosella▼, Roselle, Rozalia, Rozalie, Rozele, Rozelie, Rozely, Rozella, Rozelle, Rozellia
RELATED FORMS VIA ROSA Rosabelle, Rosal, Rosaura, Rose▼, Rosette, Rosie▼
Rosalie Kinleigh (R.K.), ..
How popular is Rosalie?
Rosalie is a very prominent first name for women (#395 out of 4276, Top 9%) but an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Rosalie reached its highest position of #153 in the U.S. during 1930-1939, and is at #208 presently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Coralie (#1876 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Rosa (#641), Rosabelle, Rosalee (#842), Rosalia (#1556), Rosalina (#1126), Rosaline, Rose (#123), Rosella, Roselle, Rosie (#619), Rozella and Rozelle are the prominent alternative forms of Rosalie (#208). Usage of these forms of Rosalie was at its most widespread 118 years ago (ADOPTION OF 1.56%) and is now much diminished (ADOPTION 0.33%, DOWN 79%), with versions like Rose becoming less in vogue. Rosalee and Rosalina are two of the more chic girl names in this compilation.
Similar Names
Rosalie is alike in pronunciation to Rozalee and Rozali. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Coralie, Donalie, Josaline, Koralie, Loralie, Rosae, Rosai, Rosal, Rosalba, Rosalen, Rosalin, Rosalind, Rosalinde, Rosalinn, Rosalyn▲, Rosanie, Rosanne▼, Rosario, Roselin, Roseline, Roshelle, Rosie▼, Rosmarie, Royale, Royalle, Rozalin and Rozaline. These names tend to be less commonly used than Rosalie.