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♀ Rosene
What does Rosene mean?
Rosene as a girls' name has its root in Latin, and Rosene means "rose". Rosene is a version of Rose (Latin): Flower name from rosa.
ASSOCIATED WITH rose (flower)
VARIANTS Rozene, Rosine, Rasine
RELATIONS VIA ROSE Rosa▼, Rosalie, Rosaline, Rosanie, Roselia, Roselina, Roseline, Rosella▼, Roselle, Rosellen, Rosena, Rosenah, Rosetta▼, Rosette, Rosey, Rosheen, Rosie▼, Rosina▼, Rosio, Rosita, Roslyn, Rosy, Roze, Rozele, Rozina, Ruzena
Rosene Khadija (R.K.), ..
How popular is Rosene?
Rosene is an unusual first name for women but a very prominent last name for all people (#31126 out of 150436, Top 21%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Rose (#123 FROM RECENT DATA), Rosalie (#208), Rosie (#619), Rosa (#641), Roslyn (#1357), Rosaline, Roseline, Rosella, Roselle, Rosena, Rosetta, Rosey, Rosina, Rosio, Rosita and Rosy are the popular related forms of Rosene (NOT RANKED) listed in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Rosellen, are uncommon. These relations of Rosene were at the height of their popularity a century ago (MEDIAN #976) and are now much less conventional (#1559, 81.5% LESS USAGE), with forms such as Rosella going out of style. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Rosene is alike in pronunciation to Rosanne▼, Roseann▼, Roseanne and Rozanne. Other recommended sound-alike names are Colene, Corene, Dorene▼, Jolene▲, Jorene, Josee, Lorene▼, Morene, Nolene, Norene, Raene, Reene, Regena, Regine, Rejine, Rene▼, Rexine, Roanne, Robee, Robena, Robene, Robine, Roelene, Roksanne, Rolene, Roline, Rollene, Rolyne, Romane, Romeine, Romene, Ronee, Rosae, Rosana, Rosanna▼, Roseanna, Rosee, Roser, Roshan, Roshana, Rossana, Rosse, Rowen▲, Rowena▼, Roxana, Roxane▼, Roxann▼, Roxanne▼, Roxeena, Roxene, Roxiane, Roxine, Ruksane and Yoslene. These names tend to be more commonly used than Rosene.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]