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♀ Roshelle
What does Roshelle mean?
Roshelle as a girls' name. The name Roshelle means "little rock; rest". Roshelle is an alternate form of Rochelle (French, Old German).
VARIANT Roschelle
RELATED FORMS VIA ROCHELLE Rochele, Rochell, Rochella, Rochette, Roschella
Roshelle Brianna (R.B.), ..
How popular is Roshelle?
Roshelle is an uncommon first name for females. Roshelle is also a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Roshelle (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 are Rochell and Rochelle. These forms of Roshelle reached the height of their popularity during the years 1970-1979 (MEDIAN #1130), but now, the version Rochelle has become somewhat outmoded. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Roshelle is alike in pronunciation to Rachele, Rachell, Rachelle▼, Rashell, Rashelle, Raychelle, Rechell, Richele and Richelle▼. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Baseelle (see Basilia), Cathelle (see Catherine), Cordelle, Cornelle, Donielle, Dorelle, Estelle▼, Giselle, Joelle▲, Johnelle, Jonelle, Joyelle, Jozelle, Kordelle, Lachelle, Lorelle, Lowrelle (see Lorelle), M'chelle, Machelle, Mashelle, Mechelle, Meshella, Mishelle, Mosella, Mychelle, Myshella, Nichelle, Noelle▲, Rachel▼, Rachelce, Rainelle, Ranelle, Ranielle, Raphella, Raquella, Raynelle, Raziella, Reinelle, Rexella, Reynelle, Rhondelle, Richela, Robella, Robelle, Ronella, Ronelle, Rosabelle, Rosal, Rosaley, Rosalia, Rosalie, Rosee, Roseellen (see Rose), Roselia, Roseline, Rosellen, Royalle, Rozalee, Rozalie, Rozele (see Rosalie), Rozelie (see Rosalie), Rozella, Rozelle, Rozellia, Rudelle and Ruthelle. These names tend to be more commonly used than Roshelle.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]