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♀ Roxeena
What does Roxeena mean?
Roxeena as a name for girls has its root in Persian, and the meaning of the name Roxeena is "dawn". Roxeena is a version of Roxanne (Persian).
VARIANTS Ruksanna, Ruksana, Roxyanna, Roxanna▼, Roxana
OTHER FORMS VIA ROXANNE Roxane▼, Roxann▼, Roxene, Roxey, Roxiane, Roxie▼, Roxine
Roxeena Oaklee (R.O.), ..
How popular is Roxeena?
Roxeena is a rare first name for women. Roxeena is an equally unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Roxanne (#1272 IN 2018), Roxana (#1969), Roxane, Roxann, Roxanna and Roxie are the prominent varying forms of Roxeena (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000. Usage of these forms of Roxeena was common among parents 7 decades ago (AVERAGE #678) and has become much reduced since (#1873, ▼88%), with versions such as Roxann becoming somewhat dated. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Roxeena is pronounced similarly to Rexana, Rexanna and Rexina. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Koreena, Noreena, Reena, Regeena, Regena, Robeena, Robena, Rosana, Rosanna▼, Roseann▼, Roseanna, Rosena, Rosenah (see Rose), Rosene, Roshana, Rosheen, Rosina▼, Rossana, Roweena, Roweina, Rowena▼, Rowenna, Rozanna, Rozeanna (see Roseanne), Rozene, Rozina, Rufeena and Ruzena. These names tend to be more commonly used than Roxeena.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]