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♀ Roxene
What does Roxene mean?
Roxene as a name for girls has its root in Persian, and the name Roxene means "dawn". Roxene is an alternate form of Roxanne (Persian).
VARIANTS Ruksane, Roxine, Roxianne, Roxiane, Roxann▼, Roxane▼, Roksanne
RELATIONS VIA ROXANNE Roxana, Roxanna▼, Roxeena, Roxey, Roxi, Roxie▼, Roxy
Roxene Margot (R.M.), ..
How popular is Roxene?
Roxene is an uncommonly occurring first name for females. Roxene is an unusual surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Roxana (#1969 A YEAR AGO), Roxane, Roxann, Roxanna, Roxanne (#1272), Roxie and Roxy are the prominent related forms of Roxene (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Usage of these relations of Roxene was more pronounced 7 decades ago (AVERAGE #798) and is now significantly reduced (#1891, 88% LESS USAGE), with forms such as Roxie becoming less stylish. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Roxene is pronounced similarly to Rexanne and Rexine. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Colene, Corene, Dorene▼, Jolene▲, Jorene, Lorene▼, Maxene, Morene, Nolene, Norene, Raene, Rasine, Reene, Regena, Regine, Rejine, Rene▼, Rexana, Rexina, Roanne, Robee, Robena, Robene, Robine, Roelene, Rolene, Roline, Rollene, Rolyne, Romane, Romeine, Romene, Ronee, Rosana, Rosanie, Rosanne▼, Roseann▼, Roseanne, Rosee, Rosena, Rosenah (see Rose), Rosene, Rosina▼, Rosine, Rowen▲, Rowena▼, Rozanne, Rozele (see Rosalie), Rozene, Rozina and Ruzena. These names tend to be more frequently used than Roxene.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]