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♀ Ruthanne
What does Ruthanne mean?
Ruthanne as a name for girls is an alternate form of Ruthann: combination of Ruth and Ann.
Ruthanne Reagan (R.R.), ..
How popular is Ruthanne?
Ruthanne is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#3416 out of 4276, Top 80%) but an unusual surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Ruthanne entered the list in 1930-1939 and reached its highest position of #1039 in the U.S. in the 1940s, but is not found in the list at the moment. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
The only other prominent related form of Ruthanne is Ruthann. Adoption of these forms of Ruthanne was common 8 decades ago (AVERAGE #778), but now, the version Ruthann has fallen out of fashion.
Similar Names
Ruthanne is pronounced similarly to Ruthann▼ and Ruthine. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Bethanee, Bethanie, Bethann, Bethanne, Bethannie, Bethanny, Cathenne, Diahanne (see Diana), Guthrunne (see Gudrun), Johanne, Julianne, Katianne, Luanne▼, Meghanne, Rachanna, Raeanne, Reanne, Reeanne, Rexanne, Rheanne, Rianne, Roanne, Rohanna, Roksanne, Rosanne▼, Roseanne, Roxanne▼, Roxianne, Rozanne, Rubianne, Ruksane, Ruksanna, Ruthe, Ruthelle, Ruthie▼, Ruthina, Ryanne, Sueanne, Suezanne, Susanne▼, Suzanne▼ and Suzzanne. These names tend to be less frequently used than Ruthanne.