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♀ Sabella
What does Sabella mean?
Sabella as a name for girls is of Hebrew and Latin origin, and the name Sabella means "God is my oath". Sabella is an alternate spelling of Isabel (Hebrew): Spanish variant spelling of Elizabeth. Sabella is also a variant of Sabelle (Latin).
OTHER FORMS VIA ISABEL, SABELLE Bella▲, Isabela, Isabell▼, Isabella▲, Isabelle▲, Isobella, Izabella, Izabelle, Ysabella, Yzabelle
Sabella Arianna (S.A.), ..
How popular is Sabella?
Sabella is a rare given name for women but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#14000 out of 150436, Top 9%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Sabella (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000 are Bella (#48 IN 2018), Isabel (#139), Isabela (#817), Isabell (#1508), Isabella (#4), Isabelle (#113), Izabella (#260), Izabelle (#1618) and Ysabella. These relations of Sabella were popular with parents a decade ago (USAGE OF 2.1%) and are almost as common today (USAGE 1.5%, ▼27.4%). Isabel is the continual favorite, although Isabella seems to be gaining popularity too, while Isabell is now somewhat dated. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Sabella is pronounced similarly to Cybilla, Sabilla, Sabylla, Sibella, Sibilla, Sibylla, Sybella and Sybilla. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abella, Anabella, Arabella▲, Arbella, Camella, Danella, Gazella, Janella, Kamella, Labella, Lavella, Mabelle▼, Madella, Marella, Nabeela, Nanella, Orabella, Orbella, Pamella, Raella, Rafella, Robella, Sabetha, Sable, Sadella, Sadelle, Sadellia, Samella, Samelle, Samuella, Sarelia, Sevilla, Shanella, Shella, Sibbell (see Sibyl), Sibel, Sibell, Sibelle, Sibyll, Stella, Sybel, Sybelle, Sybill, Sybille, Sydella, Yabell (see Ysabel), Yabella, Yabelle and Ysbella. These names tend to be more commonly used than Sabella.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]