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♀ Saletta
What does Saletta mean?
Saletta as a girls' name is of Hebrew origin, and the name Saletta means "princess". Saletta is an alternate spelling of Sally (Hebrew): form of Sarah.
RELATIONS VIA SALLY Salcia, Salletta, Sallette
Saletta Arwen (S.A.), ..
How popular is Saletta?
Saletta is a rare given name for females but a somewhat popular last name for all people (#76700 out of 150436, Top 51%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
The only popular alternative form of Saletta (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000 is Sally (#1211 LAST YEAR). This relation of Saletta was favored as a baby name in the 1930s (USAGE OF 0.33%) and has become much less common since (USAGE 0.01%, ▼96.5%), with Sally going out of style. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Aletta, Alletta, Arletta, Calesta, Caretta, Carletta, Coletta, Earletta, Eletta, Elletta, Erletta, Fayetta, Halette, Janetta, Joletta, Kalesta, Karletta, Lanetta, Laretta, Lavetta, Loletta, Malitta, Maretta, Oletta, Pauletta, Sabetha, Saleema, Saleena, Salena▼, Saleste, Salestia, Sarette, Sarotta, Scarletta, Shalita, Shanetta, Sharletta, Sheiletta, Silesta, Starletta, Suzetta, Taletha, Valeta, Valetta, Valletta, Vanetta, Wanetta and Zanetta. These names tend to be more frequently used than Saletta.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]