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♀ Salima
What does Salima mean?
Salima as a name for girls has its roots in Arabic and Hebrew, and the name Salima means "safe; peace". Salima is an alternate spelling of Salimah (Arabic). Salima is also a derivative of Salome (Hebrew).
VARIANTS Solomea, Selima, Salomi, Salomey, Salomea, Saloma
RELATIONS VIA SALIMAH, SALOME Sahlma, Salma▲, Salmah, Selma▼, Selmah, Solome
Salima Tess (S.T.), ..
How popular is Salima?
Salima is an unusual given name for females but a somewhat prominent surname for both adults and children (#148244 out of 150436, Top 99%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Salima (NOT RANKED) are Salma (#799 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Saloma, Salome (#1578) and Selma. Other forms, like Salomey, are uncommon. Usage of these relations of Salima reached its most widespread in the 1890s (AVERAGE #1264) and is now much lower (#1594, ▼71%), with the version Selma becoming less fashionable. Salma is a perennial favorite. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Salima is pronounced similarly to Salama, Saleema, Saleemah, Sallama, Selimah, Soloma, Zelima, Zuleima, Zulema and Zulima. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aaliya, Alima, Basima, Calida, Dalia, Dalila, Dalma, Fatima▲, Galila, Halia, Halina, Jaima, Jaliza, Kalia, Kalifa, Karima, Lalia, Lalika, Lalita, Malia▲, Malika▼, Malina, Malita, Maxima, Naima, Palila, Pallma (see Palma), Palma, Sadira, Safia, Safiya, Saida, Saira, Salcia, Saleena, Salicia, Salina▼, Salvina, Samira▲, Samma, Saria, Sarika, Satina, Seline, Sellma, Selyna, Shalaina, Shalena, Shalia, Shalina, Shalisa, Shalita, Silia, Siliya, Sima, Solana, Solina, Sylena, Sylina, Taima, Talina, Talita, Ulima, Valina and Zalia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Salima.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]