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♀ Sallette
What does Sallette mean?
Sallette as a girls' name is of Hebrew derivation, and Sallette means "princess". Sallette is a variant form of Sally (Hebrew): variation of Sarah.
RELATIONS VIA SALLY Saletta, Sallee, Salletta, Salley, Sallie▼
Sallette Nayeli (S.N.), ..
How popular is Sallette?
Sallette is a rare first name for women but a somewhat popular last name for all people (#124109 out of 150436, Top 82%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Sallette (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 are Sally (#1211 LAST YEAR) and Sallie. Adoption of these relations of Sallette was widespread a century ago (MEDIAN #129) and is now much lower. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Artlette, Babette, Barbette, Bellette, Cadette, Callee, Callesta (see Calista), Carletta, Celleste, Charlette, Cloette, Colette▲, Collete, Collett, Danette▼, Dannette, Earletta, Earlette, Eliette, Elletta, Erlette, Fayette, Garnette, Gilette, Hariette, Jackette, Janette▼, Jazette, Jolette▼, Joliette, Julette, Julyette, Kallee, Kallesta, Karlotte, Lanette, Laurette, Lavette, Margette, Mariette, Marnette, Nadette, Nanette▼, Nannette▼, Nellette, Odelette, Olette, Perlette, Philette, Rayette, Rilletta, Rillette, Sabrette, Saleste, Sarette, Sarotte (see Sarah), Scarlett▲, Scarletta, Seleste, Shakette (see Sha-), Sharlett, Sharlette, Sharlotte, Shawnette, Sheiletta, Starletta, Sylvette, Tallee, Valetta, Vallee, Valletta, Viollette (see Violet), Vyolette, Willetta and Yolette. These names tend to be more commonly used than Sallette.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]