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♀ Salomi
What does Salomi mean?
Salomi as a girls' name is a Hebrew name, and the meaning of the name Salomi is "peace". Salomi is an alternate spelling of Salome (Hebrew).
VARIANTS Solomea, Selima, Salomey, Salomea, Saloma, Salima
RELATIONS VIA SALOME Sahlma, Salma▲, Salmah, Selma▼, Solome
Salomi Jayden (S.J.), ..
How popular is Salomi?
Salomi is a rare first name for females. Salomi is also a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Salomi (NOT RANKED) are Salma (#799 A YEAR AGO), Saloma, Salome (#1578) and Selma. Other forms, like Salmah, are uncommon. Usage of these relations of Salomi was more pronounced in the 1890s (ADOPTION OF 0.1%) and is now much reduced (ADOPTION 0.03%, ▼71%), with the version Selma becoming less trendy. Salma is the most trendy girl name in this compilation. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Salomi is pronounced similarly to Salama, Saleema, Salimah, Sallama and Soloma. Other recommended sound-alike names are Cami, Cammi, Carmi, Delmi, Jaimi, Jami▼, Kaloni, Kami▼, Kammi, Laxmi, Maemi, Malori, Naomi▲, Nayomi, Neomi, Paloma▲, Romi, Sachi, Sacoya, Sadona, Saffi, Sal, Salcia, Salena▼, Salicia, Salina▼, Sallee, Salley, Salli, Sallie▼, Sallvia, Sally▼, Salvia, Sam, Sami, Samia, Samma, Sammi, Sammie▼, Sandi▼, Sanndi (see Sandy), Sarai▲, Sari, Sato, Sellma, Senoma (see Sonoma), Shalini, Shalom, Shalome, Shelom, Shilom, Sholome, Silvi, Sloan▲, Soki, Soma, Sonoma, Stormi, Tami▼ and Tammi▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Salomi.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]