Home > Samara


What does Samara mean?

Samara Pronunciation of Samara as a girls' name is pronounced sah-MAH-ah. It is of Hebrew and Arabic origin, and the meaning of Samara is "guardian or protected by God; night talk". The name of a Russian city. Samarra is the name of an ancient Iraqi city.


ASSOCIATED WITH arabic, guardian (defender), night (black), russian, ancient (old)


VARIANTS Sammara, Semara



Samara Charlene (S.C.), ..

How popular is Samara?

Samara is a somewhat popular first name for women (#2441 out of 4276, Top 57%) and an even more popular surname for both adults and children (#30516 out of 150436, Top 20%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Samara was first listed in 1970-1979 and reached its highest rank of #256 in the U.S. in 2018. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Samara name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Samara outside U.S.

Similar Names

Samara is alike in pronunciation to Samaria, Samarie, Samira, Samirah and Semira. Other recommended sound-alike names are Amara, Babara, Camala, Camaran, Damara, Hadara, Jamari, Kaara, Kamara, Kamari, Kanara, Lacara, Makara, Marmara, Nahara, Pamala, Sabra, Sadira, Safira, Sagara, Sahara, Saharah, Saharra, Sahra, Saira, Sakura, Salama, Samala, Samale, Samia, Samma, Sammala, Samya, Sandra, Sara, Saraia, Sarra, Savana, Seara, Shamara, Shameera, Shamira, Shamirah, Shara, Shemira, Siara, Somer, Sonora, Tamar, Tamara, Tamarah, Tamarra, Tamary, Tamera, Tammara, Tamora, Tamra, Thamara and Zahara. These names tend to be less commonly used than Samara.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
