What does Sasilie mean?
Sasilie /sa-si-lie/ [3 sylls.] as a name for girls. Sasilie's name origins are Latin and Old Welsh, and the meaning of the name Sasilie is "blind; sixth". Sasilie is a version of Cecilia (Latin, Old Welsh). Saville is a conventional surname.
Sasilie has 29 variants: Ceceilia, Ceceley, Ceceli, Cecelia▲, Cecila, Cecilea, Cecilee, Ceciley, Cecilie, Cecily▼, Cecylia, Cescelie, Cescily, Cesilie, Cicelie, Cicely, Cicilia, Cicilie, Cicily, Sacilia, Sasilia, Secelia, Sesilia, Sessaley, Sesseelya, Sessilly, Sessily, Sisiliya and Sissela.
Sasilie has 22 more related forms via Cecilia: Cacelia, Cecile▼, Cecille, Ceilia, Celie, Cellie, Cile, Cili, Cilia, Cissie, Kekilia, Seelia, Seelie, Selia, Sessile, Sheila▼, Sile, Silke, Sisely, Siselya, Sisile and Sissie.
Kreatif forms: Sansilie, Shasilie, Susilie. [more]How popular is Sasilie?
Sasilie is an uncommon given name for women. Sasilie is an equally unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. Census)
Cecilia (#206 the previous year), Cecelia (#572), Sheila, Cecily and Cecile are the prominent alternative forms of Sasilie (outside Top 1000) rated in the Top 1000. Usage of these girl names was at its apex during the years 1940-1949 (usage of 0.582%) and is now much lower (usage 0.2444%, down 58%), with the versions Cecile, Cecily and Sheila becoming less stylish. Cecelia (#572) is the most fashionable baby name in this compilation, with this name enjoying a rekindling in usage. Below is a charted analysis of the usage of Sasilie and related names. (2014 Birth Statistics)
Similar Names
A suggested similar baby name is Basilie. Like Sasilie, this name is not commonly used.