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♀ Seelia
What does Seelia mean?
Seelia as a girls' name means "blind; sixth". Seelia is an alternate form of Cecilia (Latin, Old Welsh).
VARIANTS Selia, Seely, Seelie, Cilly, Cilia, Cili, Celie, Celia▼, Cela, Ceilia, Ceileigh, Ceileh, Ceilagh, Ceila
RELATIONS VIA CECILIA Cacelia, Ceceilia, Ceceli, Cecelia▼, Ceclia, Cecylia, Celli, Cellie, Cesia, Kekilia, Kikelia, Sacilia, Sasilia, Secelia, Sesilia, Sheila▼, Siselya
Seelia Lesly (S.L.), ..
How popular is Seelia?
Seelia is a rare first name for women. Seelia is also a rare last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Seelia (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 are Cecelia (#595 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Cecilia (#155), Celia (#936), Celie and Sheila. Usage of these forms of Seelia was more pronounced among parents in the 1960s (USAGE OF 0.49%) and has become significantly diminished since (USAGE 0.15%, ▼68.7%). Cecilia has generally been the top pick of parents, while versions such as Sheila are now less popular. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Seelia is alike in pronunciation to Ceili, Salli, Sallie▼, Seila, Sela, Selie, Seula, Silia, Siliya, Sillia, Silliya, Silya, Suelo, Sula, Sylwia, Xylia, Zalia, Zaylia, Zelia, Zelie, Zoela, Zoelie, Zolia and Zylia. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aemelia, Amelia▲, Azelia, Belia, Deelia, Delia▼, Emelia▲, Fecelia, Helia, Keeli, Keelie, Keelin, Lealia, Leela▲, Leelia, Lellia, Meelia, Melia, Neecia, Needia, Neelia, Nelia, Odeelia (see Odelia), Odelia, Ofelia▼, Pelia, Phelia, Selenia, Sellma, Selma▼, Shaela, Shalia, Sheela, Sheelah, Sheilya, Shela, Shelia▼, Shell, Shelle, Shellie▼, Shelly▼, Sheria, Sheyla▼, Shilea, Shilla, Shula, Skyla▲, Stela, Teela, Veenia and Weslia. These names tend to be more commonly used than Seelia.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]