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♀ Seelie
What does Seelie mean?
Seelie as a girls' name. The meaning of the name Seelie is "blind; sixth". Seelie is an alternate form of Cecilia (Latin, Old Welsh).
VARIANTS Selia, Seely, Seelia, Cilly, Cilia, Cili, Celie, Celia▼, Cela, Ceilia, Ceileigh, Ceileh, Ceilagh, Ceila
RELATIONS VIA CECILIA Ceceli, Cecelia▼, Cecilie, Ceclia, Cele, Celli, Cellie, Cescelie, Cesilie, Cicelie, Sasilie, Secelia, Sesilia, Sessile, Sile, Silke, Sissie
Seelie Emmy (S.E.), ..
How popular is Seelie?
Seelie is a rare first name for women. Seelie is also a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Cecelia (#595 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Cecilia (#155), Cele, Celia (#936) and Celie are the prominent alternative forms of Seelie (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Usage of these relations of Seelie was at its peak in the 1900s (MEDIAN #886) and is somewhat lower today (#1137, ▼45%). Cecilia has historically been preferred by parents, while forms such as Celia have become less contemporary. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Seelie is pronounced similarly to Ceili, Sallee, Salli, Sallie▼, Seila, Sela, Selie, Seula, Silia, Sillia, Suelo, Zailie, Zelia, Zelie and Zoelie. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Adelie, Amelie▲, Anelie, Arelie, Chelie, Deelia, Edelie, Emelie, Haelie, Hedlie, Kaelie, Keeli, Keelia, Keelie, Keelin, Keilie, Kellie▼, Keylie, Lealie, Leelee, Leelia, Leslie▼, Lezlie, Mellie▼, Neelia, Neelie, Neelle (see Neilina), Nellie▼, Orelie, Peele, Seeria, Selbie, Seline, Semele, Semelle, Shaelee, Shalee, Shalia, Sheela, Sheelah, Sheilia, Shela, Shelbie▼, Shelia▼, Shell, Shella, Shelle, Shellee, Shelley▼, Shelli▼, Shellie▼, Shelly▼, Sherie, Sherlie, Soulle, Stelle, Stevie▲, Teenie, Verlie and Weslie. These names tend to be more frequently used than Seelie.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]