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♀ Seila
What does Seila mean?
Seila as a name for girls means "blind". Seila is an alternate spelling of Sheila (Irish, Gaelic): version of Sile.
RELATED FORMS VIA SHEILA Shayla▼, Sheela, Sheelah, Sheilagh, Sheilah, Sheilia, Sheilya, Shela, Shelia▼, Shella, Sheyla▼, Shiela, Shila, Shilah, Shilea, Shilla, Shyla
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Seida, ..
(male) Seile, ..
Seila Suri (S.S.), ..
How popular is Seila?
Seila is an unusual given name for females. Seila is an equally unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Seila (NOT RANKED) are Shayla (#1118 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Sheila, Sheilah, Shela, Shelia, Sheyla, Shiela and Shyla (#1837). Adoption of these forms of Seila was more pronounced among parents 58 years ago (MEDIAN #1370) and has become much lower since. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Seila is pronounced similarly to Ceila, Ceileh, Ceili, Ceilia, Cela, Celia▼, Cili, Cilia, Cilla, Salli, Sally▼, Seelia, Seelie, Seely, Sela, Siliya, Sillia, Silya, Suelo, Sula, Xyla, Zila, Zilla, Zoela and Zola▲. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abila, Adila, Avila, Bella▲, Beula, Breila, Delila, Della▼, Gaila, Geela, Geila, Gila, Hella, Jeyla, Kaila▼, Keela, Keila, Keyla▲, Laila▲, Leela▲, Leila▲, Lela▼, Leola▼, Mela, Neala, Neila, Nela, Phila, Saira, Seara, Seema, Selda, Selma▼, Sena▼, Senga, Serilda, Serita, Sevilla, Shaila▼, Sheina, Shilo, Shira, Shula, Sile, Sima, Simla, Skyla▲, Tekla, Tsila and Twila▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Seila.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]