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♀ Semele
What does Semele mean?
Semele as a girls' name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: a Theban princess and the only mortal to be the parent of a god, Dionysus, by Zeus. Her name may derive from the name of an early Greek earth goddess. She was the heroine in English composer G.F. Handel's oratorio.
ASSOCIATED WITH greek, mythology, princess, earth, goddess, heroine
Semele Sloan (S.S.), ..
How popular is Semele?
Semele is a rare given name for females. Semele is a rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Semele has not been listed in the Top 2000 so far. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Semele is alike in pronunciation to Samale and Samuelle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aedelle, Beverle (see Beverly), Camile, Cele, Cybele, Danele, Demee, Eimile, Emyle, Estele, Gemelle, Jemelle, Jenelle▼, Jerle, Jewelle, Merle▼, Mertle, Meryle, Neale, Neelle (see Neilina), Neile, Neille, Noele, Odele, Peale, Pealle, Peele, Perle, Romelle, Rozele (see Rosalie), Sabelle, Sable, Sadelle, Samala, Samella, Samey, Sammie▼, Samuela, Seelia, Seelie, Seely, Sela, Selbie, Selena, Selene▲, Selyne, Seneca, Serena, Serene, Sessile, Seula, Sheela, Shell, Shelle, Shene, Shenell, Shenelle, Sheree▼, Sherelle, Sibel, Sibelle, Sile, Simla, Simone, Sisely, Sisile, Somer, Sonel, Sorell, Stela, Sunel, Sybelle and Sydelle. These names tend to be more frequently used than Semele.