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♀ Serena
What does Serena mean?
Serena as a girls' name is pronounced ser-REE-nah, ser-RAY-nah. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Serena is "serene, calm". Used by Roman Christians. See also Sirena. Tennis player Serena Williams.
VARIANTS Cerena, Reena, Sarina, Saryna, Sereena, Serenah, Serene, Serenity▲, Serenna, Serina▼, Serinah, Serinna, Seryna
RELATED FORMS VIA SIRENA Sireena, Sirene, Sirenia, Sirenna, Syrena
Serena Ezra (S.E.), ..
How popular is Serena?
Serena is a very prominent first name for females (#762 out of 4276, Top 18%) and also a very prominent last name for all people (#26566 out of 150436, Top 18%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Serena reached its highest position of #209 in the U.S. in 2000, and is at #392 presently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Popular alternative forms of Serena (#392 IN RECENT RANKINGS) rated in the Top 2000 are Serenity (#76), Sarina (#1853), Reena, Serina and Sirena. Other variants, like Syrena, are seldom used. Usage of these relations of Serena reached its apex in the year 2013 (AVERAGE #1280) and is almost as conventional today (#1386, ▼15%), but with the version Serina going out of style. Serenity is the most contemporarily stylish girl name among these.
Similar Names
Serena is alike in pronunciation to Cerrina, Cyrena, Cyrina, Sareena, Sarena, Sarinna, Siriana, Zareena, Zarina, Zorana and Zorina. Other recommended sound-alike names are Arena, Berna, Carena, Celena▼, Cherena, Corena, Deena▼, Delena, Deren, Drena, Erena, Irena, Keena, Keren, Kerena, Kerensa, Kerenza, Lorena▼, Meena, Merna, Merona, Morena, Neena, Regena, Salena▼, Saran, Sareen, Sarine, Seanna, Sebreena, Sebrina, Seema, Selena, Selenia, Sena▼, Seneca, Shareena, Sharen▼, Sharene, Sheena▼, Shena, Shereena, Sherina, Sheron, Sherynn, Sylena, Tarena, Terea, Tereena, Terina, Terrena, Teryna (see Terena), Tyrena, Varena, Veena, Verbena, Vereena, Verena, Verene, Verina, Verna▼, Verona▼, Veryna and Yelena. These names tend to be less commonly used than Serena.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]