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♀ Sesheta
What does Sesheta mean?
Sesheta as a girls' name. Egyptian mythology: Sesheta was the goddess of the stars and the patroness of writing and literature.
ASSOCIATED WITH mythology, goddess, stars, patroness (saint)
Sesheta Noelia (S.N.), ..
How popular is Sesheta?
Sesheta is an uncommonly occurring given name for females and also an uncommon last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Sesheta has yet to be listed in the list so far. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Berneta, Geeta, Leeta, Leneta, Liseta, Nesta, Reeta, Reneeta, Rheta, Saesha, Sasha, Sasheen, Sashenka, Scheba, Seema, Selbea (see Selby), Selena, Seneca, Seneka, Senneca, Sephira, Sereena, Serena, Serita, Sesilia, Shahsta (see Shasta), Shea, Sheba, Shela, Shena, Shera, Sheva, Sissela, Stesha, Steshka (see Stephanie), Teeta, Theta, Veeta, Verneta (see Verna), Vesta▼ and Zeeta. These names tend to be more commonly used than Sesheta.