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♀ Shae (girl)
What does Shae mean?
Shae as a girls' name (also used less commonly as boys' name Shae) is of Gaelic origin, and the meaning of the name Shae is "admirable". Shae is a variant form of Shea (Gaelic).
RELATED FORMS VIA SHEA Shaelee, Shayda, Shayla▼, Shaylee
Shae Hanna (S.H.), ..
How popular is Shae?
Shae is a somewhat prominent first name for women (#3536 out of 4276, Top 83%) and also a somewhat prominent surname for both adults and children (#112967 out of 150436, Top 75%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Shae entered the list in 1970-1979 and reached its highest position of #921 in the U.S. in 1998, and is at #1863 currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Shae (#1863 A YEAR AGO) are Shayla (#1118), Shea (#1208), Shay (#1364), Shaylee (#1796) and Shaye. Other forms, like Shaelee, are uncommon. These forms of Shae were favored as baby names in the year 1999 (USAGE OF 0.1%) and are now much less common.
Similar Names
Shae is pronounced similarly to Cha-, Chaya▲, Sha-, Shaya, She- and Xia. Other recommended sound-alike names are Fae, Gae, Jae, Mae▼, Rae, Rhae, Sade▼, Sage▲, Sal, Sam, San, Sean, Sh'rae, Shadae, Shade, Shadi, Shadoe, Shaela, Shaena, Shaine, Shaka, Shalee, Shan, Shan-, Shana▼, Shanae▼, Shane, Shanea, Shanee, Shanel, Shaney, Shani, Shanie, Shante▼, Shara, Sharae, Sharde, Sharee, Sharel, Sharen▼, Shari▼, Sharie, Shary, Shaun, Shayne, Shene, Sher, Sherae, Shone, Sian, Sile, Sine, Skie, Skye▲, Stace, Star, Staz, Sue▼, Suse and Suze. These names tend to be less commonly used than Shae.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]