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♀ Shalane
What does Shalane mean?
Shalane as a girls' name is of American origin. Shalane is an alternate form of Sha- (American).
RELATED FORMS VIA SHA- Shaka, Shakina, Shalaina, Shalana, Shalaya, Shalia, Shalini, Shalisa, Shalita, Shaliza, Shalonda▼, Shamaine, Shamara, Shanay, Shanel, Shanice▼, Shannae, Sharae, Sharaia, Sharana, Sharay, Sharaya, Sharaye, Sharina, Sharise, Sharon▼, Shawna▼
Shalane Jordan (S.J.), ..
How popular is Shalane?
Shalane is a rare given name for women. Shalane is also a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Shalane (NOT RANKED) appearing in the Top 2000 are Shalonda, Shanay, Shanel, Shanice, Sharae, Sharon (#1127 FROM RECENT DATA) and Shawna. Other forms, like Sharaye, are uncommon. Usage of these relations of Shalane was at its most widespread 8 decades ago (MEDIAN #1715) and has become significantly lower since. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Shalane is pronounced similarly to Chalon, Chalonn, Chalonne, Shailyn, Shalaine, Shalene, Shalynn, Shaylene, Shaylyn, Shaylynn, Shaylynne and Shealynn. Other recommended sound-alike names are Salama, Salena▼, Salina▼, Salome, Selene▲, Seline, Selyne, Shadae, Shaine, Shalaina, Shalana, Shalaya, Shalee, Shaleena, Shalena, Shalina, Shalini, Shalise, Shalom, Shalome, Shamaine, Shanae▼, Shane, Sharae, Sharan, Sharana, Sharaye, Sharene, Sharlaine, Sharlan, Sharlana (see Sharlene), Sharlane, Sharlene▼, Sharline, Sharlyne, Sharmane, Shayan, Shayana, Shayanne, Shayne, Shelanna, Sholome, Sloane▲, Solana, Soline and Souline. These names tend to be more frequently used than Shalane.